Take Ribon to your customers without spending a dime!
Create a custom link and reward your clients with donation tickets.
How it works
Choose an action to reward you user
Think of an action that your customers already do in your company's site or app that you'd like to incentivize by offering donation tickets.
Create your link
Add your link to your product
Click on the "Create donation link" button and fill out the form with your company's data. In a few seconds you'll have you company's exclusive donation ticket rewarding page.
Choose where to add your link so your customers can access it. You can add it to a button, share it via email ou through a banner on your platform. The choice is yours to make!
Creating your donation link is easy and free
Fill out the form and get your own link in a few seconds!
Benefits for creating a donation link for your company
Easy implementation
Add the link to a virtual product that your customers have access to and, easy as that, they can already start donating.
It's free
Neither you nor your users need to pay anything, not even the donations made.
Improved metrics
In a few weeks you'll see a significant increase in your customers engagement as well as in your business results.
Real time dashboard
Check donations and donors on your page in real time.
Increased social value
Your brand’s relevance, visibility and social impact are amplified.
Public empowerment
Empower your customers to become part of a positive impact on the world.
Ribon was considered one of the 10 most innovative donating technologies in the world by IDEO and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
parcerias ativas
Have any questions? Get in touch with us!
Julia Inanobe
+1 (415) 329 7950